Monday, February 23, 2009

Dialog Journal

Dear A.,
Let's keep a journal together! Every night, I will read what you write and write you back. During the day, the journal can stay in your desk. Anytime you want to write and tell me something, you can! You are the only one who is going to have a journal with me so try to keep it private. Try writing about how you are feeling--things that are bothering you or things you are excited about. How are you feeling today?
-Ms. Powell

Ms powell today i feeling very very happy. Ms powell you are the best you are nice ms powell. We all love you ms powell. me and Jennifer c and anahi love you ms powell.
love ms powell
and love a.

Dear A.,
I am so glad that you are feeling happy today. Why are you so very very happy? What are you going to do this weekend? I am going to school on Saturday to learn to be a better teacher. Then I am going ice skating and after that I'm going to a party. I am so excited! I hope you have a great weekend.
-Ms. Powell

Dear Ms. powell,
We so happy. Ms powell you are nice. Ms Powell read us a book. It was very very nice. Ms powell is beautiful she is going in a party she will be happy. In the party she will be nice and beautiful she is so so nice. Me and ms powell we was very very happy. Ms powell is very nice.

Dear Ms Powell,
I feeling very very excited ms powell. You feeling very very happy ms powell. Ms powell you are nice ms powell. A. you are good in school.
by: A.

Dear Ms Powell
Ms powell i feeling very very excited in the school. Ms powell said to me that she feeling very very happy. Tomorrow i will be happy.

Dear A.,
Why are you so excited for school? What are you excited to do? Did you have a good weekend? What did you do. I sang in a concert. I saw a movie. I planned lessons for the week. Write back!
-Ms. Powell

Dear ms powell
We had so much fun in the park Ms powell have your weeked was good ms powell. Ms powell said to me that her weeked was good.

Dear A.,
My weekend was good! I'm glad you had fun in the park. Did you go on the swings? How are you feeling today--happy? Sad? Angry? Excited? Did you like anything that we learned about today? I am going shopping tonight, so I feel happy and excited, but also tired.
-Ms. Powell

Dear Ms Powell
I have a phone ms powell it is in my best. I have 2 phone. The phone is so good. Ms powell.
Love a.

Dear ms. powell
ms. Powell you are so Nice with me. I Love the way you teach me in school I learn more to do math and writing. my mom said that she like the way she hav contc with you about my behavioR. ms Powell you are so nice with us Im sorry when I din't lisen to you my mom said that i have to lisen to you and do what you said because yo are like my second mom. I Love you ms Powell.

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